8. Appendix

8.1. Decorators

In this appendix, we give a short introduction to decorators so that we have an idea of what they are about when making use of them. Decorators are a way to modify the behavior of functions, methods, or classes. We will restrict our discussion to functions. The effect of a decorator is then to replace the function by a modified version of the original function. Some examples will demonstrate how this works.

For the first example we assume that our script defines a couple of functions which we would like to register. To keep things simple, registering a function shall simply mean that an appropriate message is printed.

 1def register(func):
 2    print(f'{func.__name__} registered')
 3    return func
 6def myfunc():
 7    print('executing myfunc')
10def myotherfunc():
11    print('executing myotherfunc')

In lines 1-3 we define a decorator called register which is then applied in lines 5 and 9 to two functions myfunc and myotherfunc. Running the script produces the following output:

myfunc registered
myotherfunc registered
executing myfunc
executing myotherfunc

What has happened? Before running the code in lines 13-15, Python has defined the functions in the lines 1-11. When getting to myfunc, the decorator register will come into action. Its argument func will be the function myfunc, i.e. the argument of a decorator is implicitly given by the function following the decorator statement. Then, register is executed, first printing a message which contains the name of the decorated function. Then it returns the function myfunc unmodified. The effect of the decorator thus is simply to print a message that the function myfunc has been registered. As the output reproduced above shows, this is only done once, namely when Python processes the function code. Later, the function is executed which was returned by the decorator. In our case, this is simply the original function.

The decorator can also be used to modify the function so that a desired effect occurs each time the function is executed. In the following example, we define a somewhat more complex decorator named logging which prints a message when the function is starting execution and another message indicating the time of execution just before the function finishes execution. The interest of using the logging decorator is to analyse how the execution of a recursive function works.

 1import time
 2from itertools import chain
 4def logging(func):
 5    def func_with_log(*args, **kwargs):
 6        arguments = ', '.join(map(repr, chain(args, kwargs.items())))
 7        print(f'calling {func.__name__}({arguments})')
 8        start = time.time()
 9        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
10        elapsed = time.time()-start
11        print(f'got {func.__name__}({arguments}) = {result} '
12              f'in {elapsed*1000:5.3f} ms')
13        return result
14    return func_with_log
17def factorial(n):
18    if n == 1:
19        return 1
20    else:
21        return n*factorial(n-1)

The main difference to our first example consists in the fact that the decorator in lines 5-14 defines a new function. As a consequence, the modifications apply whenever the decorated function is run. Then new function func_with_log is written in a rather general way to allow its use for arbitrary functions. In particular, the decorated function can take an arbitrary number of arguments including keyword arguments. Whenever the decorated function is executed, it will print a message including the arguments with which the function was called. In addition, the starting time is stored. Then, the original function, in our case factorial, is run and when it returns, the elapsed time is determined. Before quitting, the result together with the elapsed time are printed.

Running the script, we obtain the following output:

calling factorial(5)
calling factorial(4)
calling factorial(3)
calling factorial(2)
calling factorial(1)
got factorial(1) = 1 in 0.001 ms
got factorial(2) = 2 in 0.042 ms
got factorial(3) = 6 in 0.069 ms
got factorial(4) = 24 in 0.094 ms
got factorial(5) = 120 in 0.127 ms

It nicely demonstrates how the function factorial is called recursively until the recursion comes to an end when the argument equals 1.

A decorator could even go as far as not running the decorated function at all and possibly returning a result nevertheless. A situation where such a decorator could make sense is during testing. Suppose that we want to test a program which relies on obtaining data from a measuring device. If we are not interested in testing the connection to the device but only how received data are handled, an appropriate decorator would allows us to test the program even without connection to the measuring device as long as the decorator provides us with appropriate data.