3. Testing of code

3.1. Why testing?

Scientific code usually aims at producing new insights which implies that typically the correctness of the result is difficult to assess. Occasionally, bugs in the code can be identified because the results do not make any sense. In general the situation may not be that clear. Therefore testing the code is crucial. However, it is insufficient to test code from time to time in an informal manner. Instead, one should aim at a comprehensive set of tests which can be applied to the code at any time. Ideally, all code committed to version control should successfully run the existing tests. Test can then also serve as documentation of which kind of functionality is guaranteed to work. Furthermore, tests constitute an important safety net when refactoring code, i.e. when rewriting the inner structure of the code without affecting its external behavior. Tests running correctly for the old code should do so also for the refactored code.

Whenever a bug has been discovered in the code, it is a good habit to write one or more tests capable of detecting this bug. While it is barely possible to detect all imaginable bugs with tests, one should ensure at least that bugs which appeared once do not have a chance to sneak back into the code. Furthermore, one should add tests for any new functionality implemented. One indicator for the quality of a test suite, i.e. a collection of tests, is code coverage which says which percentage of lines of code are run during the tests. In practice, one rarely will reach one hundred percent code coverage but one should nevertheless strive for a good code coverage. At the same time, code coverage is not the only aspect to look for. One should also make sure that tests are independent from each other and independent of the logic of the code, if possible. The meaning of this will become clear in some of the examples presented later. Corner cases deserve special attention in testing as they are frequently ignored when setting up the logic of a program.

Tests can be developed in parallel to the code or even after the code has been written. A typical example for the latter is when the presence of a bug is noticed. Then, the bug should be fixed and a test should be implemented which will detect the presence of the fixed bug in the future. Another approach is the so-called test-driven development where the tests are first written. In a second step, the code is developed until all test run successfully.

Testing a big piece of software is usually difficult to do and as mentioned in the beginning in the case of scientific software can be almost impossible because one cannot anticipate the result beforehand. Therefore, one often tests on a much finer level, an approach called unit testing. Here, typically relatively small functions are tested to make sure that they work as expected. An interesting side effect of unit testing is often a significant improvement in code structure. Often a function needs to be rewritten in order to be tested properly. It often needs to be better isolated from the rest of the code and its interface has to be defined more carefully, thereby improving the quality of the code.

In this chapter, we will be concerned with unit testing and mainly cover two approaches. The first one are doctests which are implemented in Python within the doc strings of a function or method. The second approach are unit tests based on asserts using py.test.

3.2. Doctests

The standard way to document a function in Python is a so-called docstring as shown in the following example.

# hello.py

def welcome(name):
    """Print a greeting.

    name: name of the person to greet
    return f'Hello {name}!'

In our example, the docstring is available as welcome.__doc__ and can also be obtained by means of help(welcome).

Even though we have not formulated any test, we can run the (non-existing) doctests:

$ python -m doctest hello.py

No news is good news, i.e. the fact that this command does not yield any output implied that no error occurred in running the tests. One can ask doctest to be more verbose by adding the option -v:

$ python -m doctest -v hello.py
1 items had no tests:
0 tests in 1 items.
0 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

This message states explicitly that no tests have been run and no tests have failed.

We now add our first doctest. Doing so is quite straightforward. One simply reproduces how a function call together with its output would look in the Python shell.

# hello.py

def welcome(name):
    """Print a greeting.

    name: name of the person to greet

    >>> welcome('Alice')
    'Hello Alice!'
    return f'Hello {name}!'

Running the test with the option -v to obtain some output, we find:

$ python -m doctest -v hello.py
    'Hello Alice!'
1 items had no tests:
1 items passed all tests:
    1 tests in hello.welcome
1 tests in 2 items.
1 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

Our test passes as expected. It is worth noting that besides providing a test, the last two lines of the new doc string can also serve as a documentation of how to call the function welcome.

Now let us add a corner case. A special case occurs if no name is given. Even in this situation, the function should behave properly. However, an appropriate test will reveal in a second that we have not sufficiently considered this corner case when designing our function.

 1# hello.py
 3def welcome(name):
 4    """Print a greeting.
 6    name: name of the person to greet
 8    >>> welcome('')
 9    'Hello!'
10    >>> welcome('Alice')
11    'Hello Alice!'
12    """
13    return f'Hello {name}!'

Running the doctests, we identify our first coding error by means of a test:

$ python -m doctest hello.py
File "hello.py", line 8, in hello.welcome
Failed example:
    'Hello !'
1 items had failures:
   1 of   2 in hello.welcome
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.

The call specified in line 8 of our script failed because we implicitly add a blank which should not be there. So let us modify our script to make the tests pass.

# hello.py

def welcome(name):
    """Print a greeting.

    name: name of the person to greet

    >>> welcome('')
    >>> welcome('Alice')
    'Hello Alice!'
    if name:
        return f'Hello {name}!'
        return 'Hello!'

Now the tests pass successfully.

If now we decide to change our script, e.g. by giving a default value to the variable name, we can use the tests as a safety net. They should run for the modified script as well.

# hello.py

def welcome(name=''):
    """Print a greeting.

    name: name of the person to greet

    >>> welcome('')
    >>> welcome('Alice')
    'Hello Alice!'
    if name:
        return f'Hello {name}!'
        return 'Hello!'

Both tests pass successfully. However, we have not yet tested the new default value for the variable name. So, let us add another test to make sure that everything works fine.

# hello.py

def welcome(name=''):
    """Print a greeting.

    name: name of the person to greet

    >>> welcome()
    >>> welcome('')
    >>> welcome('Alice')
    'Hello Alice!'
    if name:
        return f'Hello {name}!'
        return 'Hello!'

All three tests pass successfully.

In a next step development step, we make the function welcome multilingual.

# hello.py

def welcome(name='', lang='en'):
    """Print a greeting.

    name: name of the person to greet

    >>> welcome()
    >>> welcome('')
    >>> welcome('Alice')
    'Hello Alice!'
    >>> welcome('Alice', lang='de')
    'Hallo Alice!'
    hellodict = {'en': 'Hello', 'de': 'Hallo'}
    hellostring = hellodict[lang]
    if name:
        return f'{hellostring} {name}!'
        return f'{hellostring}!'

It is interesting to consider the case where the value of lang is not a valid key. Calling the function with lang set to fr, one obtains:

$ python hello.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "hello.py", line 25, in <module>
    welcome('Alice', 'fr')
  File "hello.py", line 18, in welcome
    hellostring = hellodict[lang]
KeyError: 'fr'

Typically, error messages related to exception can be quite complex and it is either cumbersome to reproduce them in a test or depending on the situation it might even by impossible. One might think that the complexity of an error message is irrelevant because error messages should not occur in the first place. However, there are two reasons to consider such a situation. First, it is not uncommon that an appropriate exception is raised and one should check in a test whether it is properly raised. Second, more complex outputs appear not only in the context of exceptions and one should know ways to handle such situations.

Let us assume that we handle the KeyError by raising a ValueError together with an appropriate error message.

 1# hello.py
 3def welcome(name='', lang='en'):
 4    """Print a greeting.
 6    name: name of the person to greet
 8    >>> welcome()
 9    'Hello!'
10    >>> welcome('')
11    'Hello!'
12    >>> welcome('Alice')
13    'Hello Alice!'
14    >>> welcome('Alice', lang='de')
15    'Hallo Alice!'
16    >>> welcome('Alice', lang='fr')
17    Traceback (most recent call last):
18    ValueError: unknown language: fr
19    """
20    hellodict = {'en': 'Hello', 'de': 'Hallo'}
21    try:
22        hellostring = hellodict[lang]
23    except KeyError:
24        errmsg = f'unknown language: {lang}'
25        raise ValueError(errmsg)
26    if name:
27        return f'{hellostring} {name}!'
28    else:
29        return f'{hellostring}!'
31if __name__ == '__main__':
32    welcome('Alice', 'fr')

All tests run successfully. Note that in lines 17 and 18 we did not reproduce the full traceback. It was sufficient to put line 17 which signals that the following traceback can be ignored. Line 18 is checked again to be consistent with the actual error message. If one does not need to verify the error message but just the type of exception raised, one can use a doctest directive. For example, one could replace lines 16 to 18 by the following code.

>>> welcome('Alice', lang='fr') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ...

The directive is here specified by the comment “# doctest: +ELLIPSIS” and the ellipsis “...” in the last line will replace any output following the text “ValueError:”.

Another useful directive is +SKIP which tells doctest to skip the test marked in this way. Sometimes, one has already written a test before the corresponding functionality has been implemented. Then it may make sense to temporarily deactivate the test to avoid getting distracted from seriously failing tests by tests which are known beforehand to fail. A complete list of directives can be found in the doctest documentation. For example, it is worth to check out the directive +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE which helps avoiding trouble with different kinds of white spaces.

As we have seen, doctests are easy to write and in addition to testing code they are helpful in documenting the usage of functions or methods. On the other hand, they are particularly well suited for numerical tests where results have to agree only to a certain precision. For more complex test cases, it might also be helpful to choose the approach discussed in the next section instead of using doctests.

3.3. Testing with pytest

For more complex test cases, the Python standard library provides a framework called unittest. Another often used test framework is nose. Recently, pytest has become very popular which compared unittest requires less overhead when writing tests. In this section we will focus on pytest which is not part of the Python standard library but is included e.g. in the Anaconda distribution.

We illustrate the basic usage of pytest by testing a function generating a line of Pascal’s triangle.

def pascal(n):
    """create the n-th line of Pascal's triangle

    The line numbers start with n=0 for the line
    containing only the entry 1. The elements of
    a line are generated successively.

    x = 1
    yield x
    for k in range(n):
        x = x*(n-k)//(k+1)
        yield x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for n in range(7):
        line = ' '.join(f'{x:2}' for x in pascal(n))

Running this script returns the first seven lines of Pascal’s triangle:

$ python pascal.py
0             1
1           1  1
2          1  2  1
3        1  3  3  1
4       1  4  6  4  1
5     1  5 10 10  5  1
6    1  6 15 20 15  6  1

We will now test the function pascal(n) which returns the elements of the \(n\)-th line of Pascal’s triangle. The function is based on the fact that the elements of Pascal’s triangle are binomial coefficients. While the output of the first seven lines looks fine, it make sense to test the function more thoroughly.

The first and most obvious test is to automate at least part of the test which we were just doing visually. It is always a good idea to check boundary cases. In our case this means that we make sure that n=0 indeed corresponds to the first line. We also check the following line as well as a typical non-trivial line. We call the following script test_pascal.py because pytest will run scripts with names of the form test_*.py or *_test.py in the present directory or its subdirectories automatically. Here, the star stands for any other valid part of a filename. Within the script, the test functions should start with test_ to distinguish them from other functions which may be present.

from pascal import pascal

def test_n0():
    assert list(pascal(0)) == [1]

def test_n1():
    assert list(pascal(1)) == [1, 1]

def test_n5():
    expected = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]
    assert list(pascal(5)) == expected

The tests contain an assert statement which raises an AssertionError in case the test should fail. In fact, this will happen for our test script, even though the implementation of the function pascal is not to blame. In this case, we have inserted a mistake into our test script to show the output of pytest in the case of errors. Can you find the mistake in the test script? If not, it suffices to run the script:

$ pytest
============================= test session starts =============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.8.0, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.7.1
rootdir: /home/gert/pascal, inifile:
plugins: remotedata-0.3.0, openfiles-0.3.0, doctestplus-0.1.3, arraydiff-0.2
collected 3 items

test_pascal.py ..F                                                      [100%]

================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________________________ test_n5 ___________________________________

    def test_n5():
        expected = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]
>       assert list(pascal(5)) == expected
E       assert [1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1] == [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]
E         At index 1 diff: 5 != 4
E         Left contains more items, first extra item: 1
E         Use -v to get the full diff

test_pascal.py:11: AssertionError
===================== 1 failed, 2 passed in 0.04 seconds ======================

The last line in the first part of the output, before the header entitled FAILURES, pytest gives a summary of the test run. It ran three tests present in the script test_pascal.py and the result is indicated by ..F . The two dots represent two successful tests and the F marks test which failed and for which detailed information is given in the second part of the output. Clearly, the elements of line 5 in Pascal’s triangle yielded by our function does not coincide with our expectation.

It occasionally happens that a test is known to fail in the present state of development. One still may want to keep the test in the test suite, but it should not be flagged as failure. In such a case, the test can be decorated with pytest.mark.xfail. Even though decorators can be used without knowing how they work, it can be useful to have an idea of this concept. A brief introduction to decorators is given in Section 8.1.

The relevant test then looks as follows

def test_n5():
    expected = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]
    assert list(pascal(5)) == expected

In addition, the pytest module need to be imported. Now, the test is marked by an x for expected failure:

$ pytest
============================= test session starts =============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.8.0, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.7.1
rootdir: /home/gert/pascal, inifile:
plugins: remotedata-0.3.0, openfiles-0.3.0, doctestplus-0.1.3, arraydiff-0.2
collected 3 items

test_pascal.py ..x                                                      [100%]

===================== 2 passed, 1 xfailed in 0.04 seconds =====================

The marker x is set in lowercase to distinguish it from serious failures like F for a failed test. If a test expected to fail actually passes, it will be marked by an uppercase X to indicate that corresponding test should not pass.

One can also skip tests by means of the decorator pytest.mark.skip which takes an optional variable reason.

@pytest.mark.skip(reason="just for demonstration")
def test_n5():
    expected = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]
    assert list(pascal(5)) == expected

However, the reason will only be listed in the output, if the option -r s is applied:

$ pytest -r s
============================= test session starts =============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.8.0, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.7.1
rootdir: /home/gert/pascal, inifile:
plugins: remotedata-0.3.0, openfiles-0.3.0, doctestplus-0.1.3, arraydiff-0.2
collected 3 items

test_pascal.py ..s                                                      [100%]
=========================== short test summary info ===========================
SKIP [1] test_pascal.py:10: just for demonstration

===================== 2 passed, 1 skipped in 0.01 seconds =====================

In our case, it is of course better to correct the expected result in function test_n5. The we obtain the following output from pytest:

$ pytest
============================= test session starts =============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.8.0, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.7.1
rootdir: /home/gert/pascal, inifile:
plugins: remotedata-0.3.0, openfiles-0.3.0, doctestplus-0.1.3, arraydiff-0.2
collected 3 items

test_pascal.py ...                                                      [100%]

========================== 3 passed in 0.01 seconds ===========================

Now, all tests pass just fine.

One might object that the tests so far only verify a few special cases and in particular are limited to very small values of n. How do we test line 10000 of Pascal’s triangle without having to determine the expected result? We can test properties related to the fact that the elements of Pascal’s triangle are binomial coefficients. The sum of the elements in the \(n\)-th line amounts to \(2^n\) and if the sign is changed from element to element the sum vanishes. This kind of test is quite independent of the logic of the function pascal and therefore particularly significant. We can implement the two tests in the following way.

def test_sum():
    for n in (10, 100, 1000, 10000):
        assert sum(pascal(n)) == 2**n

def test_alternate_sum():
    for n in (10, 100, 1000, 10000):
        assert sum(alternate(pascal(n))) == 0

def alternate(g):
    sign = 1
    for elem in g:
        yield sign*elem
        sign = -sign

Here, the name of the function alternate does not start with the string test because this function is not intended to be executed as a test. Instead, it serves to alternate the sign of subsequent elements used in the test test_alternate_sum. One can verify that indeed five tests are run. For a change, we use the option -v for a verbose output listing the name of the test functions being executed.

$ pytest -v
============================ test session starts ============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.8.0, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.7.1 -- /home/gert/anaconda3/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/gert/pascal, inifile:
plugins: remotedata-0.3.0, openfiles-0.3.0, doctestplus-0.1.3, arraydiff-0.2
collected 5 items

test_pascal.py::test_n0 PASSED                                        [ 20%]
test_pascal.py::test_n1 PASSED                                        [ 40%]
test_pascal.py::test_n5 PASSED                                        [ 60%]
test_pascal.py::test_sum PASSED                                       [ 80%]
test_pascal.py::test_alternate_sum PASSED                             [100%]

========================= 5 passed in 0.10 seconds ==========================

We could also check whether a line in Pascal’s triangle can be constructed from the previous line by adding neighboring elements. This test is completely independent of the inner logic of the function to be tested. Furthermore, we can execute it for arbitrary line numbers, at least in principle. We add the test

def test_generate_next_line():
    for n in (10, 100, 1000, 10000):
        for left, right, new in zip(chain([0], pascal(n)),
                                    chain(pascal(n), [0]),
            assert left+right == new

where we need to add from itertools import chain in the import section of our test script.

The last three of our tests contain loops, but they do not behave like several tests. As soon as an exception is raised, the test has failed. In contrast our first three tests for the lines in Pascal’s triangle with numbers 0, 1, and 5 are individual tests which could be unified. How can we do this while the keeping the individuality of the test? The answer is the parametrize decorator which we use in the following new version of our test script.

 1import pytest
 2from itertools import chain
 3from pascal import pascal
 5@pytest.mark.parametrize("lineno, expected", [
 6    (0, [1]),
 7    (1, [1, 1]),
 8    (5, [1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1])
10def test_line(lineno, expected):
11    assert list(pascal(lineno)) == expected
13powers_of_ten = pytest.mark.parametrize("lineno",
14                    [10, 100, 1000, 10000])
17def test_sum(lineno):
18    assert sum(pascal(lineno)) == 2**lineno
21def test_alternate_sum(lineno):
22    assert sum(alternate(pascal(lineno))) == 0
24def alternate(g):
25    sign = 1
26    for elem in g:
27        yield sign*elem
28        sign = -sign
31def test_generate_next_line(lineno):
32    for left, right, new in zip(chain([0], pascal(lineno)),
33                                chain(pascal(lineno), [0]),
34                                pascal(lineno+1)):
35        assert left+right == new

The function test_line replaces the original first three tests. In order to do so, it takes two arguments which are provided by the decorator in lines 5 to 9. This decorator makes sure that the test function is run three times with different values of the line number in Pascal’s triangle and the expected result. In the remaining three test functions, we have replaced the original loop by a parametrize decorator. In order to avoid repetitive code, we have defined a decorator powers_of_ten in line 13 and 14 which then is used in three tests. Our script now contains 15 tests.

When discussing doctests, we had seen how one can make sure that a certain exception is raised. Of course, this can also be achieved with pytest. At least in the present form, it does not make sense to call pascal with a negative value for the line number. In such a case, a ValueError should be raised, a behavior which can be tested with the following test.

def test_negative_int():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

Here, next explicitly asks the generator to provide us with a value so that the function pascal gets a chance to check the validity of the line number. Of course, this test will only pass once we have adapted our function pascal accordingly.

In order to illustrate a problem frequently occurring when writing tests for scientific applications, we generalize our function pascal to floating point number arguments. As an example, let us choose the argument 1/3. We would then obtain the coefficients in the Taylor expansion

\[(1+x)^{1/3} = 1+\frac{1}{3}x-\frac{1}{9}x^2+\frac{5}{81}x^3+\ldots\]

Be aware that the generator will now provide us with an infinite number of return values so that we should take care not to let this happen. In the following script pascal_float, we do so by taking advantage of the fact that zip terminates whenever one of the generators is exhausted.

def taylor_power(power):
    """generate the Taylor coefficients of (1+x)**power

       This function is based on the function pascal().

    coeff = 1
    yield coeff
    k = 0
    while power-k != 0:
        coeff = coeff*(power-k)/(k+1)
        k = k+1
        yield coeff

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for n, val in zip(range(5), taylor_power(1/3)):
        print(n, val)

We call this script pascal_float.py and obtain the following output by running it:

0 1
1 0.3333333333333333
2 -0.11111111111111112
3 0.0617283950617284
4 -0.0411522633744856

The first four lines match our expectations from the Taylor expansion of \((1+x)^{1/3}\).

We test our new function with the test script test_taylor_power.py.

import pytest
from pascal_float import taylor_power

def test_one_third():
    p = taylor_power(1/3)
    result = [next(p) for _ in range(4)]
    expected = [1, 1/3, -1/9, 5/81]
    assert result == expected

The failures section of the output of pytest -v shows where the problem lies:

______________________________ test_one_third _______________________________

    def test_one_third():
        p = taylor_power(1/3)
        result = [next(p) for _ in range(4)]
        expected = [1, 1/3, -1/9, 5/81]
>       assert result == expected
E       assert [1, 0.3333333...7283950617284] == [1, 0.33333333...2839506172839]
E         At index 2 diff: -0.11111111111111112 != -0.1111111111111111
E         Full diff:
E         - [1, 0.3333333333333333, -0.11111111111111112, 0.0617283950617284]
E         ?                                            -                   ^
E         + [1, 0.3333333333333333, -0.1111111111111111, 0.06172839506172839]
E         ?                                                               ^^

test_taylor_power.py:8: AssertionError
========================= 1 failed in 0.04 seconds ==========================

It looks like rounding errors spoil our test and this problem will get worse if we want to check further coefficients. We are thus left with two problems. First, one needs to have an idea of how well the actual and the expected result should agree. It is not straightforward to answer this, because the precision of a result may depend strongly on the numerical methods employed. For a numerical integration, a relative error of \(10^{-8}\) might be perfectly acceptable while for a pure rounding error, this value would be too large. On a more practical side, how can we test in the presence of numerical errors?

There are actually a number of possibilities. The math-module of the Python standard library provides a function isclose which allows to check whether two numbers agree up to a given absolute or relative tolerance. However, one would have to compare each pair of numbers individually and then combine the Boolean results by means of all. When dealing with arrays, the NumPy library provides a number of useful functions in its testing module. Several of these functions can be useful when comparing floats. Finally, pytest itself provides a function approx which can test individual values or values collected in a list, a NumPy array, or even a dictionary. Using pytest.approx, our test could look as follows.

import math
import pytest
from pascal_float import taylor_power

def test_one_third():
    p = taylor_power(1/3)
    result = [next(p) for _ in range(4)]
    expected = [1, 1/3, -1/9, 5/81]
    assert result == pytest.approx(expected, abs=0, rel=1e-15)

Here we test whether the relative tolerance between two values in a pair is at most \(10^{-15}\). By default, the absolute tolerance is set to \(10^{-12}\) and the relative tolerance to \(10^{-6}\) where in the end the larger value is taken. If we would not specify abs=0, a very small relative tolerance would be ignored in favor of the default absolute tolerance. On the other hand, if no relative tolerance is specified, the absolute tolerance is taken for the comparison.

pytest.approx and math.isclose differ when the relative tolerance is checked. While the first one takes the relative tolerance with respect to the argument of pytest.approx, the second one checks whether the relative tolerances are met with respect to both values.

In this section, we have discussed some of the more important aspects of pytest without being complete. More information can be found in the corresponding documentation. Of interest, in particular if more extensive tests are written, could be the possibility to group tests in classes. This can also be useful if a number of tests requires the same setup which then can be defined in a dedicated function.